2030 Sustainable Development Collective Fund

Reducing Maternal And Infant Mortality Rates | 2030 Sustainable Development Collective Fund

Reducing Maternal And Infant Mortality Rates

Cost per human outcome.
£ 0
Pregnant women screened.
Annual socio-economc return.
0 %

95% of maternal deaths occur in low-income communities in the developing world. Providing skilled healthcare before, during and after childbirth save the lives of women and babies.  The global MMR in 2020 was 223 per 100,000 live births.  Achieving the SDG Goal of a global maternal mortality rate to below 70 by the year 2030 will require a 11.6% annual reduction.

The 2030 Sustainable Development Collective Fund is working in Nepal to provide portable ultrasound machines and to train local healthcare workers to operate them; and is also establishing community maternal screening programs to support the early detection of pregnancy related complications.

Projected need and outcomes

Project duration:

Annual funding need:

Minimum partner ticket:

Minimum partner term:

Cost per human outcome:

Number of people helped:

Socio-economic impact multiple:

3 years

£1,000,000 (GBP)

£250,000 (GBP)

3 years

£12.50 (GBP) per screening

240,000 women screened

